Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today was a very big day for Kendall...she got her ears pierced tonight at Libby Lu's. They let her pick out a stuffed animal to hold while they pierced her ears...she picked the pink poodle and of course we had to buy it!! She sat on Grammy's lap and held very still while they cleaned and marked her ears. She did cry a little bit afterwards (so did Grammy and Mommy), but they did them both at once so it was done. They look so pretty!
Kendall giving her pink poodle a hug!
How sweet!!
Kendall with her pretty pink earrings(and new Hannah Montana jammies...they had lots of Hannah Ontanna at Libby Lu's)!

1 comment:

Julie Link said...

Kendall, your new ear piercing looks so nice! You are such a big girl now!

Jackson, what a good photographer you are! Very artistic!
